How to become a Cosmetologist in Maryland

How To Become A Cosmetologist In Maryland!

Learn How to Become a Cosmetologist in Maryland at Aveda Institute MD

With an average annual pay of around $57,811, becoming a Cosmetologist is a very lucrative career! You’d be in the 75th percentile of top earners in Maryland!

Average Annual Salary for Cosmetologist in Maryland including Hourly Wage

Source: ZipRecruiter

So, we understand why you want to be a cosmetologist here in the Old Line State.

Cosmetologists in Maryland can earn anywhere from $13k to $57K+. However, for top earners, it’s even more!

How can you become a top-earning cosmetologist?

Be Selective When Picking A Cosmetology School In Maryland

Cosmetology student in class at Aveda Institute Maryland

If you have a GED or high school diploma, you’re ready to pick from the top cosmetology schools in Maryland!

But remember, be selective… How, you ask?

Ask these questions:

  • Is the school accredited?
  • Is it inclusive — will you find international students?
  • Would you be attending in-class or online lessons?

Ordinarily, schools offer both online and in-class sections. If the cosmetology school is not accredited, don’t apply.

And about inclusiveness, does it matter?


Learning with a diverse pool of individuals will expand your scope and creativity! So, consider cosmetology schools in Maryland with international students.

Furthermore, check that the school offers more than “hair care.” That way, you won’t be left stranded like Michele…

student researching cosmetology schools in Maryland that do more than hair

Source: Twitter

In addition to hair styling, Aveda Institute Maryland teaches students skincare as well!

Pass Your Training

Passing your cosmetology training is a no-brainer! We have a terrific group of educators who have their own unique talents and abilities. It’s rewarding to attend a class with educators who are passionate about what they are doing and love to share their expertise! In only 10 months, you will be on your way!

Get Licensed

Passing your training is only one step in getting a license as a cosmetologist; you need more than that!

According to the Maryland Board Of Cosmetologists, you will only get licensed if you:

  • have a GED (or completion of 9th grade)
  • are at least 16-17 years old,
  • have proof of completing 1500 training hours in an accredited cosmetology school, or
  • undergone a year-long apprenticeship at a licensed salon.

Note: the approved age and training hours vary per the exact course. Hair stylists, for example, only need 1200 hours or 15 months of apprenticeship but must be 17 years old.

Lastly, set aside $25 for the application fee.

Pro tip: combine apprenticeship with schooling. That will be a boost to your theoretical and practical knowledge of cosmetology.

Network With Other Cosmetologists

Remember you’re still a newbie even with your certificates and training hours!

However, you can change the narrative by networking with other cosmetologists. Don’t be too selective — mingle with both beginners and experts. Learn from both ends of the spectrum. Also, don’t shy away from events. Show up! Practice what you learn, and wear your expertise on your sleeves and face. Grab attention!

Lastly, research brands/companies before applying to work with them.

top destination for cosmetologists in maryland

For example, say you’d like to work with Semion Barbershop. Look the brand up on LinkedIn, find the owner, and follow/engage with them.

Don’t be too pushy when engaging. Instead, build a relationship. Then, you can pitch your desire to work with the brand!

Build A Digital Presence

Improve your chances of being a Top-Earning Cosmetologist by inviting those juicy offers to come to you. How?

Build a digital presence!

By the way, there is nothing wrong with pitching to top brands. However, with a digital presence, brands will come to you!

When that happens, you’ll command the rate.

How can you build a digital presence?

  • Create a content strategy — start with a 5-day plan and stick to it weekly.
    • Day 1: talk about tools
    • Day 2: talk about how you’re growing your business
    • Day 3: share selfies of your customers or samples of your work if you have no customers yet
    • Day 4: throwbacks
    • Day 5: reintroduce yourself and your business and ask that people buy from you
  • Upload short blog content on Medium
  • Repurpose the content for social media — Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
  • Don’t shy away from LinkedIn. Use it to grab brand sponsorships!

Bottom line: don’t keep quiet! Let Maryland and the World know about your skills!


Cosmetology is undoubtedly one of the top short-term training careers in Maryland! With an attractive annual average pay, you’ll earn more than most in the Old Line State!

However, aim for more than being just a Cosmetologist – strive to be a top earner! Invest in the RIGHT cosmetology school in Maryland! Get your license, and join a supportive network!

Lastly, and most importantly, leverage the internet to market your skills. That’s how you join the top 1% of cosmetologists in Maryland!

Ready to start your Journey in Cosmetology?

Contact us now for more information about our Cosmetology program or request a Virtual Tour!